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November 15, 2004 Old Photo's for album gift
November 15, 2004
Visits: 18885
AmmaAppaPrints Photos to print for amma
Visits: 18942
August.Kendall Pictures of Kendall.
Visits: 18820
2012-05-20 Eric's BMW X3
Visits: 18431
Mom's present gold eagle and panda
Mom's present
Visits: 18676
Mom October 19, 2012 Visit with Mom
Mom October 19, 2012
Visits: 18627
Thanksgiving 2009 Thanksgiving 2009
Thanksgiving 2009
Visits: 18668
Sam and Evans Head
Sam and Evans Head
Visits: 18126
California, June 2008 Time and Ceal visiting Ceal's dad and Tim's folks, June, 2008.
California, June 2008
Visits: 18926
The Smith Family
The Smith Family
Visits: 18710
Disney 2009 -Originals
Disney 2009 -Originals
Visits: 18556
Early Christmas in ND
Early Christmas in ND
Visits: 18820
Lauros krikstynos
Lauros krikstynos
Visits: 18236
Kristi The life and times of Kristin Lyon (Turner)
Visits: 18649
Visits: 18894
Leckron Family 2012
Leckron Family 2012
Visits: 18395
November & December 2010 Thanksgiving, Christmas and near New Years.
November & December 2010
Visits: 18541
August 2007
August 2007
Visits: 18730
Maternity 2011
Maternity 2011
Visits: 18522
Dara Zafia
Dara Zafia
Visits: 18837
Visit with Gavin Joey was back, and they all came to see us October 2008
Visit with Gavin
Visits: 18337
Visits: 18394
china trip
china trip
Visits: 18950
July 2007
July 2007
Visits: 18610
Cruise 2008 These pictures are from our cruise in march 2008, pictures start in palm bay florida and go to cozemel mexico, grand caymans, ocho rios jamaica, and the grand turks
Cruise 2008
Visits: 18659
March 25, 2006
March 25, 2006
Visits: 18296
Scott Family
Scott Family
Visits: 18963
Karina & children
Karina & children
Visits: 18708
December 08, 2006 pictures from 0ctober 2005 to December 2006-for scrapbook retreat in Jan 2007
December 08, 2006
Visits: 18777
May 2011 Late April/May 2011- Two fun months with lots of great memories! The Credles visited the last weekend of April, and Daniel and Anabella had a great time playing with their riding toys and trying on sunglasses. You'll see pictures of them getting their seco
May 2011
Visits: 18171
Mens Health Institute
Mens Health Institute
Visits: 18238
The Sepedas The Sepeda brothers and sisters get together to record some historical family photos.
The Sepedas
Visits: 18208
Visits: 18942
Wilkes Family 2008-2009 Wilkes Family 2009-2010
Wilkes Family 2008-2009
Visits: 18251
Scheel Family Scheel Family 2014 portraits, San Antonio, TX.
Scheel Family
Visits: 18294
2007 April and May Petra on the Groovy Girls soccer team; our garden; The Jones come to visit; Disneyland with the Cassel ladies; Elena adorable at 13, 14 months; Memorial Day.
2007 April and May
Visits: 18840
December 15, 2005 Shots of David and Diana at the arboretum
December 15, 2005
Visits: 18224
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